Protecting your new house during a removal

Moving can be a deeply unsettling experience. In the chaos of packing and unpacking, one must confront the reality of change and the inherent vulnerability that comes with it. In this process, it is of utmost importance to protect not just our belongings, but also the very spaces we inhabit. Today we will be discussing how to protect your property during a removal.

Ryans removals and self storage protecting your house during a move
Ryans removals and self storage, Solihull 2023

The following guide will help you safeguard your home during a move, ensuring that it remains pristine for the next chapter of your life or the next occupant. In this extensive exploration, we will cover carpet protectors, banister covers, and furniture blankets, as well as other relevant measures to consider.

Everything you need to consider to protect you property.

Carpet Protectors – The Guardians of Your Floor

We often take the floors in our homes for granted, even though they form the very foundation of our lives. During a move, actively protecting them becomes essential. Whether you’re moving into a new build or renovating your property’s landscape, it’s all too easy to track dirt in and damage the carpet. Carpet protectors serve as an effective solution to maintain the integrity of your flooring.

Reusable Drop Cloths: The Sustainable Choice

As the top choice for many, reusable drop cloths provide a sustainable and environmentally friendly floor protection option. These excellent alternatives are made from durable materials like canvas or heavy-duty fabric, allowing for multiple uses and easy cleaning after each use.

Banister Covers: Actively Defending Your Staircase during a removal

The Significance of Banister Protection

Banisters and newel posts in our homes have dual roles as functional supports and decorative elements. Amid the chaos of a move, they become especially susceptible to damage, such as scratches and dents. This vulnerability increases when moving large, bulky items up or down the stairs, or when dealing with awkwardly shaped staircases. Actively preserving their beauty and utility is crucial, which is why using banister covers or blankets is highly recommended.

Furniture Blankets – The Armor for Your Belongings

The Role of Furniture Blankets

Furniture is often among the most valuable and cherished items in our homes. To ensure their safe transport, furniture blankets play a critical role. Covering these can protect your furniture from scratches, chips and also protect your walls, should you knock furniture against them.

Parking Considerations for Removal Vehicles – Mitigating Property Damage Risks

Road and Driveway Conditions

Before parking any vehicles on your drive, assess the road and driveway conditions around your property. Factors such as the width and gradient of the road and driveway, the presence of overhanging trees, and the stability of the driveway surface should all taken into account to negate the risk of property damage. It may be the case that larger vehicles such as 7.5T vans would be better off parking on the public road that your drive.

If you have any storage enquiries please contact us Here

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